What should I change up in my skincare routine for Fall/Winter?

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By Aanand Geria, MD

Seasonally speaking, this is the coldest and driest period of the year. Therefore, it’s safe to assume that your skin detests it. The difficulty in maintaining radiant skin all year is something of which we are quite aware. Nonetheless, that fight is over as of today. We can’t wait to spill the beans on the seasonal adjustments you should make to your beauty routine. Keep reading if you want to know how to get clear skin while maintaining a dewy, healthy appearance.

Now you have summertime experiences to remember forever. Hopefully, the gentle caress of the summer sun on your skin has resulted in a healthy glow. In case you’ve forgotten that autumn and winter exist, here’s a nice reminder that the sun is setting. Even more so, you should adjust your skincare routine when the seasons shift.

Moisturize Your Skin every day.

Everyone knows the best way to get rid of dry skin is to use a good moisturizer. The dry air and low humidity of winter only exacerbate the condition of dry, flaky skin. Therefore, moisturizing products will be your greatest ally. It’s not only sunrise and sunset that we’re referring to. Repeated applications of moisturizer throughout the day are highly recommended.

Skincare Routine

Those worried about their skin becoming dry need not worry; the consistency will prevent it. You will be very thankful in the future!

Remember to use sun protection!

We realize that we sound like your mother at the beach, and we apologize for that. Wearing sunscreen is essential year-round, not only during the summer months. Sunscreen is still necessary even in the colder months since the sun may penetrate clouds. Applying sunscreen to your face every day will protect it from the sun’s harmful rays, maintain your complexion clean and even in tone, and keep you looking younger.

Stop Taking Steamy Showers

Avoiding hot baths might help clean up your skin and keep it healthy. The skin becomes more oily and dry after taking a hot shower. Which in turn leads to pimples. If you really care about keeping your skin hydrated, you should take showers that aren’t scalding hot.

Make Use Of Moisturizing Masks


The best time to hydrate your face is before bed, so try adding a hydration mask to your nighttime skincare regimen. In addition to preventing future breakouts, these masks will also eliminate any acne you may already have. A hydration mask will restore your skin’s youthful radiance and suppleness.

Include a Humidifier in the Formula

During the cooler months of fall and winter, we recommend using a humidifier to supplement your usual skincare routine and keep your skin properly hydrated. Because your skin is always in contact with the air, humidifiers are beneficial because they provide moisture to the air. When there’s more water vapor in the air, your skin can absorb some of it.

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