Laser Hair Removal Aftercare Instructions

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Laser Hair Removal Aftercare Instructions

Post-treatment guide for hair removal:

A mild sensation similar to sunburn is to be expected. This will typically last between two and twenty-four (2–24) hours, but may continue for seventy-two (72) hours. It can be accompanied by minor swelling and redness, but this will nor-mally subside in two or three days.

Apply ice that has been wrapped or gel packs in the treatment area for between ten and fifteen (10–15) minutes every hour for the following four (4) hours, as required, Never apply ice directly to the skin. You may take an oral anti-inflam-matory or an analgesic to ease discomfort. Always follow the manufacturer’s directions when taking medication.

Until the redness has subsided, avoiding the following is advised:

  • Applying cosmetics to the treatment areas
  • Swimming, particularly in pools containing chemical products
  • Jacuzzis and saunas
  • Activities that lead to excessive sweating or any activity that can elevate core body temperature
  • Exposure to the sun or tanning in the treatment areas. Apply a sunscreen with a protection factor of at least SPF 45 to prevent alterations in skin colour
  • Vigorous scrubbing or the use of exfoliants in the treatment areas
  • Normal bathing or showering, as the treatment areas may be sensitive to temperature

The appearance of hair growth may continue for between seven and thirty (7–30) days following the treatment. This is not new hair growing, but treated hairs being shed from the skin.

Hairs that were in the resting (telogen) phase when the treatment was performed may enter the growth (anagen) phase in one to six (1–6) months, depending on the area of the body they are located in. A follow-up treatment may be required.

If any dark lesions appear, do not pick or pull at them as this may lead to scars.

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The potential side effects of hair treatment include the following:

  • Pain, haematomas, peeling, rashes, prolonged tingling, redness, ingrown hairs, irritation, swelling and infection
  • Burns, blisters, scalding and scars
  • Scabs, broken capillaries, tanning and acne or herpetic flare-ups
  • Alterations to pigmentation including hypopigmentation (lightening of the skin) or hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) for one to six (1–6) months or longer, or possibly permanently
  • The disappearance of freckles or other pigmented lesions. Freckles and other pigmented lesions may temporarily or permanently disappear in the treatment areas
  • The risk of brightening or obscuring vascular lesions
  • Scars, blood clots, loss of skin, haematomas (the accumulation of blood under the skin) and allergic reactions to medications or materials used during the procedure
  • Coinciding hair removal when treating pigmented or vascular lesions in areas with hair. There is a risk that the new hair growth may be different, such as new growth, a resurgence without growth or more growth than before
  • An elevated risk of incongruous hair growth in people of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean descent, and also those with a poorly defined hairline without an obvious transition between the hairline and the face

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Dedicated to Exceptional Services

If you want to learn more about PRP Hair Restoration aftercare in New Jersey, visit us at Geria Dermatology. We are skilled and experienced in providing high-quality PRP Hair Restoration treatment, and we are also knowledgeable in providing aftercare instruction and support. Contact us today to set up an appointment!

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