Chemical Peels Instructions

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Woman with nice skin looking into mirror post chemical peel | Geria Dermatology New Jersey

Chemical Peels

Prior to Treatment

  • Avoid tanning and direct sun exposure for 2 weeks prior to each treatment
  • Apply a sunscreen with SPF 30 or greater everyday for the duration of treatments
  • Apply topical products as instructed prior to treatment to prepare the skin
  • Discontinue use of any products containing high strength glycolic or lactic acids and prescription retinoids (ie Retin-A or Tazorac) 1-2 weeks prior to treatment
  • Treatment areas must be free of any open sore, lesions, or skin infections
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Chemical Peels

After Treatment

  • Treated areas may feel sensitive, tight, or dry and may appear pink, red, and slightly swollen for 3-5 days
  • Discomfort is rare, and may be alleviated with Tylenol or cool compress 15 minutes every hour a few times a day
  • The skin may peel in varying degrees depending on the treatment received. Peeling can last for up to 2 weeks
  • Avoid becoming overheated, perspiring excessively, using hot tubs, steam rooms, saunas, or excessively hot showers for the first few days
  • Apply any post-procedural products as instructed. Regular home skin care products (including retinoids and acids) can be resumed 1-2 weeks after treatment
  • Fragrance-free moisturizer can be used twice a day or more frequently as needed for hydration and to decrease the appearance of peeling
  • During the healing process, avoid picking, scrubbing, exfoliating, or abrading sensitive or peeling skin as this may increase the risk of scarring and hyperpigmentation
  • Mineral makeup may be applied starting the day after treatment, if desired
  • Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning bed use for 2-4 weeks after treatment and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or greater containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide daily
  • Avoid electrolysis, facial waxing, or use of depilatories for 2 weeks after treatment

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