Discover confidence
through healthy skin

15+ years of experience

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Dr. Geria standing inside his practice
texture | Geria Dermatology New Jersey
marble texture | Geria Dermatology New Jersey

Board-certified Dermatologists


Geria Dermatology was founded with the purpose of helping people achieve clear and healthy skin. We provide the highest standard of dermatological care using cutting-edge technology and evidence-based medicine in a personalized and compassionate setting. Our team of Dermatologists and talented clinicians are passionate about patient outcomes, and our aim is to exceed patients’ expectations at every turn. Restoring a patient’s confidence is the ultimate objective for all of us at Geria Dermatology.

Geria Dermatology is highly regarded within the industry and is frequently featured in media outlets such as Allure, The Zoe Report, Fashionista, Business Insider, and New Beauty.

About The Practice

Medical Dermatology


As resilient as it is, skin can be incredibly fragile and susceptible to all sorts of conditions that create not only an unfavorable appearance but can also lead to discomfort, pain and itchiness. Our award winning team of dermatologists can determine the root of your skin issues and find a solution.



Aesthetic Artists


As the years go by, the physical appearance of our faces shifts in subtle ways. In addition to wrinkles, we also may lose volume as part of the aging process. Lips become thinner, eyes and cheeks can hollow, and the skin feels looser – and may even begin to droop.

The loss of volume can cause even a young face to appear older than it is, exposing what may be considered “premature” wrinkles. Lucky for you, our certified injectors can help you regain control over how you see yourself in the mirror as you age.


PRP hair

At Geria Dermatology, not only can we help stop hair loss at the source, but also regenerate your hair follicles using components from your own blood! If you’re looking to improve your hairline, PRP can provide you with a “hair-raising” experience.

PRP Hair


Chemical peels

Revitalize your skin’s appearance with a safe, effective medical-grade chemical peel. From fine lines and wrinkles to sun damage, and acne scarring, chemical peels can help reduce the visible signs of aging.

Chemical Peels

Facials and Chemical peels | Geria Dermatology New Jersey


Microneedling (Collagen Induction Therapy) significantly improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and stretch marks with little downtime. This treatment is a fast and minimally invasive way to stimulate collagen and elastin production in your skin.


RF microneedling-menu


Dermaplaning is a gentle treatment that can help you achieve a silkier, radiant complexion. Utilizing a specialized blade, our providers will softly exfoliate the exterior of your skin to remove the superficial skin layer, peach fuzz, dead skin cells, and debris to reveal a softer surface.



RF microneedling

RF (radiofrequency) Microneedling treatments combine the collagen-boosting and skin-resurfacing techniques of microneedling with the skin-tightening fractionated radio frequency energy to dramatically lift, tone, and tighten your skin.

RF Microneedling

Woman recieving laser treatment
marble texture | Geria Dermatology New Jersey

State-of-the-art Technology


Lasers have come a long way since their usage at the planetarium and rock music shows. By pushing the boundaries of what lasers can accomplish, science and dermatology have harmoniously come together for a perfect combination of skin treatment solutions.

At Geria Dermatology, we offer the latest and most effective laser treatments that can help our patients treat brown spots, tighten sagging skin, and even remove unwanted hair. Don’t sit in the present wishing the imperfections would go away – the future is now with our collection of laser treatments!


Body Procedures

Non-Surgical Body Contouring

We all have areas of our body that we wish could change, yet you shouldn’t have to feel self-conscious about your body’s appearance. At Geria Dermatology, we have several non-invasive, non-surgical treatment options to fine-tune and hone your body into the work of art that it can be.

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